“Let your food be your medicine.” Hippocrates Adverse Drug Reactions (properly prescribed and administered) have made medical care the leading cause of illness and death. “We are overlooking well-documented studies showing that adverse drug reactions are the leading cause of illness and death in the US,” says Dr. Richard Ruhling, […]
Pope Wants Change on Death Penalty – a Fulfillment of Prophecy?
“Babylon is fallen…come out of her, My people.” Revelation 18 addresses a confusion of false systems for government, education, healthcare and religion. Papal changes to biblical law is nothing new and this month we celebrate the healing of a deadly wound between Catholics and Lutherans, also a fulfillment of prophecy. […]
Trump on Respecting the Flag: Three Strikes and He’s Out
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams, 2nd President of the United States. The flag stands for freedom of speech.that must be respected above the symbol. Those who died for freedoms are respected, but […]
Sign in Sky September 23 Misunderstands Revelation 12 as End of World or Rapture says Prophecy Expert
“When they say ‘Peace and safety,’ sudden destruction comes.” (The apostle Paul.) The UN International Day of Peace theme for September 21 is “Peace and…safety.” A complex convergence of constellations and planets is seen as a the “Great Sign” of Revelation 12, but it’s misunderstood by some as the end […]
Immigration: How the Statue of Liberty Changed America And How the US Has Become Like Biblical Egypt
“Give me your tired, your poor…yearning to breathe free.” Statue of Liberty plaque Immigration made America what it was, but immigration has changed, and America’s changes are a concern. The Statue of Liberty has welcomed “the huddled masses” from every continent since 1865, but immigration has transformed the US. […]
Beware of Healthcare; It Should Be Self Care, Responsibility to Eat Wisely as the Main Ingredient
“Nature heals…let your food be your medicine” Hippocrates, Father of Medicine Medical care is not healthcare. They have an inverse relationship. The more we get of one, the less we have of the other. “For 40 years, the pharmaceutical companies have strategized to re-label medical care as ‘healthcare,’ while suppressing […]